Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you, Mavery, in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Saying Goodbye is so hard!!!!

Since we need to be at the airport so early, we decided it was smarter to stay out by the airport in a hotel and catch a morning shuttle. Mainly because we did not want to leave the kids while they were still in bed. Last night I had them each come in my room and spent some time just talking to them and praying over them. I started with Malaine, and before we even sat down I was bawling. She kept hugging me and looking at me and saying, why do you have big tears, because you are going to miss me so much? ;0) It was a sweet time to just talk about what the Lord has done for our family, and what He is getting ready to do. So today (Tuesday) was filled with last minute getting ready. My parents and the kids took us to the hotel. We stopped at O Charleys on the way for dinner, where Sage was in spicy form for sure. They all came up to the room w/ us and let me tell you, nothing says goodbye faster or easier than 8 people in a tiny hotel room! I am so glad we planned it this way, I think it just made it easier on all of us. They are home with Grammy & Papa and their fun has already started I am sure!

As you can see, yes I overpacked, I really tried to use just 2 suitcases with our backpacks but we had to throw in the duffle because our bags were so heavy. Though my friend Monte came over today and said she was amazed that I had everything in just those bags. Which made me feel better till I remembered traveling to florida with her last fall and she had to move half her suitcase into mine since she was over the weight limit. For a weekend trip. ;0) She brought me the sweetest chinese necklace today that says happiness and told me to wear it and remember all of my friends home praying for us. I love it!


Mom to my China Posse said...

Praying for you my friend! I would ahve loved to see you off this week but as you know getting my crew to St. Louis is near impossible. lol... We will come see Miss Mavery though, I promise! I can't wait to see mavery in your arms. Kathy

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

It IS hard to say goodbye and leave our children behind...but before you know it you will be greeting them with their new sister!! I will be praying for a safe trip and that God will protect your children while you are gone! Now go get your daughter!!!!!

Finally a Family of Four said...

I keep checking your blog and hanging on to your every word. I will be praying for you, Mark and your family.
These days away will go more quickly than you can ever imagine. Keep looking at the big prize.

Kim said...

I stumbled upon your blog tonight through Stefanie's. I just had to send a little shout out when I saw that you are traveling to Hangzhou. We just returned home on September 13th with our little Sophie who is from Yiwu. We were in Hangzhou for 8 days and also stayed at the Lakeview Hotel. It is a beautiful part of China!!! There are so many neat things to see! Safe travels and blessings to your family!