Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you, Mavery, in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday Morning

Mavery slept well last night. I on the other hand was up at 4 with thoughts of, I can't believe 24 hours ago that crib was empty, and thinking of what today would hold. As you can see, she woke up very sad, and was pretty quiet all morning. I was encouraged because we went for breakfast and as we were leaving she saw Emma and Emma tried to get her down and she refused to let me put her down. So that made me hopeful.
We started the day back at the office where we met her yesterday, to finalize the adoption. We said we were very happy with our baby, promised to always love her and it was official. She is now forever Mavery Raye JinSong Laxton, our 4th daughter, our 5th child. A special gift that we will always treasure.
After this we headed out to Jinhua. I am going to do a post just on that, and I am honestly not sure I can keep my eyes open to finish it tonight, so it might have to wait till tomorrow. The reality of I HAVE MAVERY has hit me in good ways. I want to share it all and remember it all, just the way it happened. And I can't wait to give you the rundown on how a 5 year old educated us on squatty pottys today!


Mom to my China Posse said...

Shannon, Mavery looks so darling in her sweet outfit. She is such a cute little girl, she looks like a deep thinker and is taking everything in. I am so happy for you and Mark!

julie w said...

Mavery is adorable in that cute outfit!!! Love the pictures and updates- keep them coming! I love reading all about your time there in China! :)
Love ya!

Carla said...

Just came accross your blog this morning. Beautiful. I love the idea of adoption and enjoyed reading about your journey to bring little Mavery home.

annaliese said...

you all look so great! although she has been your daughter in your heart for a while now, I am sure it must be wonderful to have it official! :) you have an awesome family, Mavery--and they are super blessed to have you added to it :)